D200... Got it, got it, got it.....

So what do one call this, I was bored at work (after a very busy week) and, I was surfing the dpreview forums, and thought that maybe I should have a look around at the local photoshop dealers to see if they finally had the D200 in stock.... And lucky me two had, and of cause I choose the cheapest, which isn't cheap at all, but a man needs to have a hobby.

I have to admit that I'm still trying to figure out how it works, but just for the fun of I took a walk at the Maas, to see if I should be lucky to get a decent photo of the Rotterdam skyline... No too bad, but could be better....

1994Now the next is to hope for some warmer weather, so that I do not freeze my private parts of.....


parol said…
Kjempe kuuuul hjemmeside du har.

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