MacOS Ventura: not able to ssh to ruckus switch (diffie-hellman-group1-sha1)

 I upgrade to Ventura and replaced my Intel MacMini with an M2 MacBook Air ... everything was working, then I wanted to ssh to my Ruckus ICX 7150-C12 (08.0.95fT211), and got an error:

Hummm, WTF....

I've seen similar things before when you upgrade FW or OS suddenly ssh will no longer work as a protocol or cipher have been deprecated.

As I do not feel like upgrading my switch I had to do something else.

I found this on serverfault, helped to a part of the way, and then a bit more googling I found the solution, which might be overkill.

I ended up adding this in my ~/.ssh/config for the switch:

 And now I can access my switch again.

Yes, I know upgrading the firmware would solve the problem, but then I can't see it in Unleashed (POS software, but nice to look at).


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