OSX Yosemite keeps appending "(2)" to computer name

I'm a perfectionist with something, like if I give my computer a name then I expect it to be that name, and not some random thing, or be modified by the system. Especially with OSX TimeMachine this is important as the filename (bundle) depends on the computername.

It looks like Yosemite have a small issue, where it will add (2), (3), ... (x) to the computername, there are many ideas about what is causing it, and also how to fix it.

Luckyly enough someone posted a possible solution on Macrumors with a fix which looks to be working;

Go to Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences > SystemConfiguration
and delete the following files:


Then reboot.

The deleted files will be recreated and you should be good to go.

One small thing with this is that one will lose all saved wifi passwords...

Update; Nov. 2. 2014:
No it does not fix the problem, on one of my notebooks (MacBook Air), it just came back. Crap!!!! Apple please fix this issue as soon as possible.

Update; Nov. 4. 2014:
Could be that this is only see with Wifi, and with Apple based AP's (Airport Extreme, Airport Express, etc.), and that rebooting them solves the issue. I have not seen the issue after rebooting my Airport Extreme.


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