First steps with an iPhone

One of the most annoying things with the iPhone is that on have to pay through the nose to get an unlocked iPhone (current only Orange in France, and they charge รข‚¬699 - afair), and [stag]Apple[/stag] have an silly idea about programs on it - the SDK is a great idea, but I'm still to learn Objective-C (it makes my head in).....

But getting an [stag]iPhone[/stag], there are a couple of things which needs to be done to make it usable for the "normal" population (the people who either does not want an AT&T subscription, or does not live in the US.

  • download ZiPhone from (choose either Windows or OSX)

  • run ziphone - the "Unlock, Jailbreak & Activate" option will fit most people. And it will allow people to use their own simcard (just what I wanted)

    At this point you will have a functional iPhone which can be used to with you own (old) simcard

  • use (Installer on the screeen) to install

    • "Boss Tool" to move your fonts from the root filesystem - you'll need to restore the phone if it runs full (you do not want to do that).

    • "Community Sources", which will add more installation sources, and yet even more applications

Next install the following to get some usability;

  • "Contacts | HomeScreen" which will allow you to access the Address Book without having to go though the Phone application

  • and even more programs which looks interesting.....

More to follow...


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