iTunes scrollbar in Finder
Even though [stag]Apple[/stag]have said that they have made the Leopard GUI unified, there are still a few things which are lacking. For example the scrollbars in [stag]Finder[/stag] are not as nice as in [stag]iTunes[/stag].
I stumbled over this Italian blog which describes how to change the look of the scrollbars in Finder.
It's in Italian which I do not understand but the which is for download on the website, have a readme.rtf which also have the instructions in English.
But the easy way of doing it is;
1) download file
2) extract the file
3) copy Extras.rsrc (PowerPC) or Extras2.rsrc (MacIntel) to /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/
4) make sure that root:wheels is the owner of the file (#sudo chown root:wheel Extras2.rsrc)
5) restart Finder (#sudo killall Finder)
And then the Finder windows will have a nice scrollbar.
Now, next step is to figure out how to do that for all Applications....
I stumbled over this Italian blog which describes how to change the look of the scrollbars in Finder.
It's in Italian which I do not understand but the which is for download on the website, have a readme.rtf which also have the instructions in English.
But the easy way of doing it is;
1) download file
2) extract the file
3) copy Extras.rsrc (PowerPC) or Extras2.rsrc (MacIntel) to /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/
4) make sure that root:wheels is the owner of the file (#sudo chown root:wheel Extras2.rsrc)
5) restart Finder (#sudo killall Finder)
And then the Finder windows will have a nice scrollbar.
Now, next step is to figure out how to do that for all Applications....