(followup) Leopard Annoyances I - Apache/PHP

Just after Leopard was released I wrote about my findings with PHP5 on Leopard here - which had the conclusion that PHP on [stag]Leopard[/stag] is more or less useless due to the fact that there are so many missing modules.

I used to use Entropy [stag]PHP[/stag] on Tiger but I could not get it to work, well I am quite happy to say that with a bit of reading on the forums at www.entropy.ch I have been able to get [stag]Entropy PHP[/stag] to work on Leopard.

In short which have to happen to get it working:

-- snip --
cd /usr/sbin
mv httpd httpd.ub
lipo -info httpd.ub
lipo -thin i386 httpd.ub -output httpd.i386
lipo -info httpd.i386
ln -s httpd.i386 httpd
cd /etc/apache2/other
ln -s /usr/local/php5/entropy-php.conf .

locate libexpat
# in my case I found a libexpat in /opt/local/lib, from macports. Your mileage may vary. I also did a symlink from php ib to apache2 so everything would be in the same place
ln -s /usr/local/php5 /usr/local/apache2
cd /usr/local/apache2/lib
ln -s /opt/local/lib/libexpat.1.5.2.dylib .
ln -s /opt/local/lib/libexpat.0.dylib .
-- snip --

And as far as I understand it will not work on 64bit Macs, which means that if you have a G5 or a Core 2 Duo then you will have to forget about until Johan from Entropy builds a PHP5 which will work on 64bit. Right now I'm happy that I actually did not have the money to go out and get a new Mac with a Core 2 Duo....


[...] wrote here about my happiness with Leopard (Apple OSX 10.5) and the implementation of PHP which they have put [...]

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