Own your own Integer
Ever thourght of owning your own Integer??
Neither have I but it is now possible. I now own 2702 EC16 23C6 8FB7 3EEF 3E40 F2DB 288F, and I here by ask you not to use it:-), if you do please do contact me for a licensing deal:-)
The whole thing comes down to AACS trying to stop people distributing a specfic integer which is used for copy right protection on Blue-Ray and DVD-HD disks, I've seen it, and don't really have much interest, but owning your own Integer is kind of geeky.
Neither have I but it is now possible. I now own 2702 EC16 23C6 8FB7 3EEF 3E40 F2DB 288F, and I here by ask you not to use it:-), if you do please do contact me for a licensing deal:-)
The whole thing comes down to AACS trying to stop people distributing a specfic integer which is used for copy right protection on Blue-Ray and DVD-HD disks, I've seen it, and don't really have much interest, but owning your own Integer is kind of geeky.