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Battlestar Galatica game for Mac
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A free '[stag]Battlestar Galatica[/stag]' game (Beyond the Red Line) have been release for Mac... I'm watching this show, but not much of a gamer, but will have a look at it at some point.
I decided to switch ISP, mainly due to Hiper (Danish) was using a VLAN for their connection which made pfSense and my APU3 board require a reboot everytime I changed anything. Kviknet has a good reputation (wonder why) in Denmark, they are not cheap and they have the same opening hours as everyone else - meaning until 16:30 and closed during weekends. I sometimes wonder how companies who need 24/7 internet get on with that ... well it's Denmark. Kviknet has an interesting way to do IPv6, your router get and SLAAC assigned IPv6 address on the public side (wan) and you get a ::/48 network from Kviknet to use on your lan. To some degree it does make sense, you can then configure your lan with static addresses as you see fit, and for dynamic assignment you use RA stateless dhcp *) ... which works for everything. (I need to get my piHole configured with an static IPv6 so that I can use that ...). pfSense is a pain, I do like it, but they are light years behind their main c...
I'm doing something which I can't really afford, but doing it anyway ... I'm upgrading my Stereo ... I like music, and believe it should be played at the highest affordable quality. So after getting a new Stereo Amp (Creek Evolution 50A), I got a new Phono Amp. and then started looking for a DAC ... and after reading I do not know how many posts I decided to get an S.M.S.L M8 (from Amazon fro €249.99), not too expensive and according to what I can read very good. So I got it hooked it up to my amp, connected my Notebook (Macbook Air 11" / 2011) using USB ... sounded nice, then my Macbook Pro Retina with digital (fiber) in some way better than USB, slightly more air and openness. Then decided to use my old Apple Airport Express ( MB321LL/A - 802.11n version 1) using it's digital output (I don't like the build in DAC - it's a bit too dark for me), and this is where I started having doubts about my buy. There was drop out, all the time. Right I changed, to...
I upgrade to Ventura and replaced my Intel MacMini with an M2 MacBook Air ... everything was working, then I wanted to ssh to my Ruckus ICX 7150-C12 (08.0.95fT211), and got an error: Unable to negotiate with my-switch port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 Hummm, WTF.... I've seen similar things before when you upgrade FW or OS suddenly ssh will no longer work as a protocol or cipher have been deprecated. As I do not feel like upgrading my switch I had to do something else. I found this on serverfaul t, helped to a part of the way, and then a bit more googling I found the solution, which might be overkill. I ended up adding this in my ~/.ssh/config for the switch: Host my-switch KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-ed25519,ssh-rsa,rsa-sha2-256,rsa-sha2-512 HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa And now I can access my switch again. Yes, I know upgrading...