
There is a holy grail in working with directories, that is directories as in LDAP or meta directories, which have one thing in common - you mostly do not have the right tool at the right time. And one thing I've been missing for years is a decent LDAP browser.

It looks like I finally have found what I've been looking for. The [stag]Apache Directory[/stag] project have released a tool called Apache Direcotry LDAP Studio which is based on [stag]Eclipse[/stag], which means that it runs on Windows, Linux and OSX without having to anything strange.

They have some screenshots which shows what it can do;

This is the browser it self

And it can work with the schema

Or you if you have eclipse installed already then you can add http://directory.apache.org/ldapstudio/update to software updates, and install it that way - even better as you then only will have one eclipse installed.

This is almost too good to be true.


Hi Casper !

Thaks a lot for using LdapStudio, we are very pleased that you find it usefull. I'm just wonder if you mind if we put a link on your blog on LdapStudio web site ?

Please let me know :)

btw, 0.7.0 has just been released, with a lot of bug fixes.


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