10.000 hairpins, 100 mountain passes

So what would one do if one had a week of [stag]vacation[/stag]? see that is a good question. I tend to belive that one should go a see thing (preferable thing which one have not seen before).

So starting Saturday June 17th somewhere in [stag]France[/stag], to be precise in Saverne, at 9am (torture btw), this years [stag]Triumph Raid[/stag] of France was started.... well not exactly it was closer to 10am as the person who was responsible for the coffe had misplaced the key to the room where it was supposed to be served:-)


So everyone ready we set off, I have to admit I did not have an idea of what to expect, I kind of knew the distances (as was told that it would not be a race.... ya right).

  • Day 1 (441km):

As said earlier, we started from Saverne, and went out on the longest and for me the toughtest route (probably be cause I was nervouse, and had not really a hugh experence in driving in mountains). 480km later and very very wet (for some odd reason the weather gods decided that on top of the nice weater we should not get too cocky...) we arrived to our first destination, Hotel Auberge des Lacs, don't ask me where it is as I have absolutly no clue (which would not be the last time I would be lost that week).

  • Day 2 (371km):

We started early, on a slightly damp Sunday morning (great no gas for non-french - you need to have a French creditcard to get gas on Sundays), oh well half of our small group where French so let us attach us to some French bike drivers... not the easiest thing in the world. I successfully lost my fellow drivers, but we did meet up again on the top of 'Col du Meraillet' (I think - I was lost again), arrived at Hotel Glacier des Evettes, and was ready for a very nice sleep.... btw was way too tired to have the desert, it was probably very very nice.

  • Day 3 (332km):

Nice day, not too warm, and not too cold. Got distracted by my GPS as it decided that the route only was 42km long, and having to play catch up did not wote for a good day. That was sorted out, and finding some more 'normal' people to drive with (that opinion would change:-)), the whole day actually was quite nice, I got a bit of a suntan on one mountain (can't remember which one, there was a few of them, actually the Frence have a whole bunch of them). We ended in good manner (without getting lost to many time) at Hotel Moulin de la Salaou at Castellane. btw does any one know why Frence people think that a shower means that you have to hold the showerhead while you're having the shower.


  • Day 4 (374km):

Some time ago I read about an area in France which is a small perl, not that many know about it, and it is absolutly beatifull. I'm talking about the Verdon, if you have a chance go there - I did, followed the whole thing and ended here


Also we saw [stag]Mont Ventoux[/stag] - highly recomended. The clime up is about 20km, and slightly more down (all included). Perfect tarmac, and incedible long bends which can be enjoyed on a motorcycle. 253

We got a bit lost on the time issue, and when we finally arrived at the hotel we where actually so late that people where getting out to look for us. All ended in happiness, and we had a good deserved sleep at Hotel Le Petit Calbertois.

  • Day 5 (417km):

Humm, shitty roads, and rain, was what started that day. But apart from that nothing really bad, lots of driving, roads with gravel (stange this was a bad day in my memory). And btw very hot.

We saw Navacelles which is really nice, if one have enouh wather, by G.. that was a hot place. For once we where not the last to arrive at the hotel, which this day was Hotel de l'Eveche.

  • Day 6 (265km):

What can one say, short day with lots of long stops, and more photo stop than I want to remember. btw one of the most unpleasent places to be when the blatter is full is on a motorbike driving on mountain roads:-)
Cannot really remember the hotel which was Hotel de La Chartreuse.

  • Day 7 (275km):

Last day, actually already to go home, but we had to have this last day which saw us with roads with gravel in a way which I do not want to try again for a while. Very long lunch, a few stops for refreshment, and so on. We ended at Magny Cours, in Hotel de la Seygliere. The funniest thing which happend that day was when on of the French drivers jumped in, in the middel of the dinner yelling 'oui' when the French won their 1/8 in the worldcoup.

At that point I had 850km home, and I left the next morning at 6am, and yes finding gas was yet again a problem......

Will I do this again? YES!

More photos can be found here

click on image


Egor Kloos said…
Wow, looks really cool. Better get my bike licence!
cpedersen said…
More photos here: http://www.c-note.dk/wordpress/wp-gallery2.php?g2_itemId=2017

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