Build your own Wireless AP
Ok, so you got tired of you Linksys, etc. AP, which does not perform as you would like it to.
The solution is to have a look at pfSense, which is a freebsd solution, which runs on almost any type of hardware. Initially it was (probably still is) ment to be a router, but you can configure it as a Wireless AP, with all the bells and whistles.
I'm running on a WRAP board, with a Atheros b/g based mini-PCI, but there should be other available boards out there.
Sometime in the furture I'll post some information about how to set it up. Next step on the agenda is to implement some trafic control (qos), so that my ssh gives me some proper responses. But I can say one thing, streaming an avi file of my server no longer causes a problem.