Blog software.....

I've been using Movabletype for a couple of years, and it have been a long winding road, with a few mishaps.....

I kind of like it, but I'm not happy about the license policy, and have been looking for something new for sometime. Now I've found <a href=";entry_id=29" title="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true;">Wordpress</a> which looks nice, the only problem is that I'm a lacy person (ask around if you don't belive me:-)). And now I'm stuck in this situation where I cannot export all my entries from Movabletype in a format which Wordpress understand, and I don't really want to retype everything. Back to square one... on this one, I will probably find a solution one of these days....

Another thing is that after my disk crash, I'm missing some pictures, I actually have the photos lying around, it just this small thing of copying them to the right place and then make sure it work, oh well it's on the todo list.


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