Buying English

Let me see on May 14th I ordered the new <a href=";entry_id=28" title="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true;">Triumph Spring ST ABS</a> in Caspian Blue. I was told that it was to be delivered on June 11th. Hummmmm, today is June 29th, and I finally saw it in the shop today. The only thing missing is the numberplate which I'm told is necessary to be able to take it on the road.

I have to say that it is a beautifull bike, and I'm looking forward to ride it, but Triumph really have to do something about their delivery, following the diffrent forums, it seams that I'm not the only one who have (is) in this situatuion.

Dear Triump,

You make wonderfull bikes, which we really like to buy from you. But you should be able to deliver these bike within a reasonable time frame.

Also it would be nice if you could give your distributeres and dealers correct dates for delivery.

Best regards

An soon to be happy owner....

I was told that mine would arrive on the June 11th, week of 20th, and it actually arrived this week. And when yoy plan your vacation from this you might end up being a little bit upset.....


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